High intensity pridmatic grade of retro-reflective sheeting is conforming to ASTM D 4956-09 (US), KS A 3507:2010 (Korea), EB 12899 (Europe), GBT 18833-2002 (China), and CNS 4343 (Taiwan).
Compared to glass-bead type, RS-3000 series provides more durable (bobbling-resistance), higher visibility, and longer life expantancy.
All products are insured by $100,000.
Twinbron Inc. is proudly supplying retro-reflective sheetings conforming to standards in US, Europe, Korea, China, and Taiwan.
Colors are avaiable: White, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Green, Red, Brown, Fluorescent-Yellow, Fluorescent-Yellowgreen, and Flurorescent-Orange.